Detailed Averos Workflow Commands

Averos Workflows Commands

Workflow Command Actions
ng-add ng add @wiforge/averos adds Averos support to your angular project including averos core modules and an authentication provider if requested.
averos-entity ng g @wiforge/averos:averos-entity 1. creates a new averos entity
2. creates a new angular averos driven service named after the input parameter [sname] (default=MyEntityNameService) related to the newly created entity whose name is equal to the input parameter [name]
3. creates a default entity view layout for the newly created entity
4. register the newly created entity named after the input parameter [name] in the averos framework context
add-composite-member ng g @wiforge/averos:add-composite-member Adds a new averos composite member to a given averos entity and updates the view layout accordingly
add-simple-member ng g @wiforge/averos:add-simple-member Adds a new averos simple member to a given averos entity and updates the view layout accordingly
averos-service ng g @wiforge/averos:- creates a new entity Service related to the entity whose name is defined by the input parameter[ename] (i.e. entity name).
Averos services implementations are located under app/service
service-configuration ng g @wiforge/averos:averos-config --type=service Generates a service configuration where services-to-apis lookup details bindings are defined.
The input parameter [type] should be equal to the value service in this case (i.e. --type=service).
gateway-configuration ng g @wiforge/averos:averos-config --id=APIServiceGateway --type=gateway Generates a gateway configuration where a gateway connexion attributes are defined along with services-to-apis lookup details bindings.
Since only one gateway should exist in an averos application the input parameter [id] should be equal to the predefined value APIServiceGateway in this case. (i.e. --id=APIServiceGateway)
Also, since the configuration that we intend to create is of type gateway, the input parameter [type] should be equal to the value gateway in this case. (i.e. --type=gateway)
create-entity-uc ng g @wiforge/averos:create-entity-uc 1. creates an AVEROS CREATE ENTITY use case related to the entity whose name is defined by the input parameter [ename]
2. register a default route named myentity/create to the main application route module (Usually the main application route module is named app-routing.module)
search-entity-uc ng g @wiforge/averos:search-entity-uc 1. creates an AVEROS SEARCH INPUT ENTITY use case related to the entity whose name is defined by the input parameter [ename]
2. creates an AVEROS SEARCH RESULT ENTITY use case related to the entity whose name is defined by the input parameter [ename]
3. creates an AVEROS VIEW ENTITY use case related to the entity whose name is defined by the input parameter [ename]. This use case is built within a parent use case of type AVEROS SEARCH RESULT ENTITY use case and could not be accessible from outside its parent.
4. creates an AVEROS EDIT ENTITY use case related to the entity whose name is defined by the input parameter [ename]. This use case is built within the parent averos search entity use case and could not be accessible from outside its parent.
5. register a default route named myentity/search into the main application route module (Usually the main application route module is named app-routing.module)
6. register a default route named myentity/view/:id into the main application route module
7. register a default route named myentity/edit/:id into the main application route module
advanced-crud ng g @wiforge/averos:advanced-crud 1. creates a new averos entity class whose name is equal to the value of the input parameter [ename]
2. creates a new angular averos driven service whose name is equal to the input parameter [sname] (default=MyEntityNameService). This service will manage the newly created entity whose name is equal to the value of the input parameter [ename]
3. register the newly created entity in the averos framework context
4. creates an AVEROS CREATE ENTITY use case related to the newly created entity
5. register a default route named myentity/create into the main application route module
6. creates an AVEROS SEARCH ENTITY use case related to the newly created entity
The next part of the workflow is simply a call to search-entity-uc workflow which basically performs the following actions: 7. creates an AVEROS ENTITY DETAILS use case related to the newly created entity
8. register a route named myentity/search into the main application route module
9. register a route named myentity/view/:id into the main application route module
10. register a route named myentity/edit/:id into the main application route module
create-page ng g @wiforge/averos:create-page Creates a brand new averos page along with its navigation route and a default menu entry.
Depending on the command parameters, the new page could either be available in public space or in logged space.
The menu link could be added to the side menu, the top menu or to both menus.
add-language ng g @wiforge/averos:add-language adds a new language translation support.
Averos supports 11 languages out of the box.
add-translation-entry ng g @wiforge/averos:add-translation-entry adds a new translation key to a given language

๐Ÿšฉ All averos commands could be executing either silently or interactively.
When executed in interactive mode, each workflow command will guide the user through all its available customization parameters.
When silently executed, the user should fill in all mandatory parameters, otherwise the workflow will interrupt the command execution and will ask the user to set up those missing mandatory parameters interactively.