Generic View Components Description

1. Description

AverosCriteria holds all the search criteria details related to a single search component. These criteria are transformed into a http query by means of the buildSingleHttpQuery() function. This function could be enhanced with other HTTP custom criteria builders.

2. Class Diagram

Below is the related class diagram:

3. Attributes Description

  • entityAccessor: the canonical name of the target entity field
  • entityValue: the searched value entered in the component
  • operator: An AverosSearchOperator specifying the target search operator

AverosSearchOperator holds all the logical operators used for searching purposes and introduced in the search components. Averos comes with a predefined set of operators that meets all possible data query search operations.

Below are the attributes related to AverosSearchOperator:

  • symbol: the symbol to be displayed on the list box (ex. <= )
  • name: the name of the operator (ex. lte)
  • description: the description of the operator (ex. Less than or equal)
  • translationID: the translation identifier