Target Domain Field JSON Object Structure

Below is a JSON configuration example related to a Field Validator.

"validators": {
		"validatorKey": "maxlength",
		"parameters": [30], 
		"type": "Validators", 
		"nature": "sync",
		"validationDefaultMessage": "email should be less than 30 characters!"
		"validatorKey": "required", 
		"type": "Validators", 
		"nature": "sync",
		"validationDefaultMessage": "Please enter an email address", 
		"validationMessageTranslationID": ""
		"validatorKey": "email", 
		"type": "Validators", 
		"nature": "sync",
		"validationDefaultMessage": "Not a valid email", 
		"validationMessageTranslationID": ""
		"validatorKey": "emailNotAvailable", 
		"type": "GlobalCustomValidationService", 
		"nature": "async",
		"validationDefaultMessage": "email already exists", 
		"validationMessageTranslationID": ""
"updateOn": "blur"

synchValidators is using the following three synchronous controls from the default angular type Validators:

  • maxLength : the controlled field should not exceed 30 characters
  • required : the controlled field is required
  • email : the controlled field should be a valid email address

On the other hand, asyncValidators is using the emailAlreadyexistsValidator asynchronous control from a custom averos validation service called GlobalCustomValidationServicedefault. This validator will be activated on component blur event resulting in a request to the data base in order to check whether the input email address already exists or not.