Before you start

3 minute read

Before, you start let’s have a glimpse on the tools which you will use in order to generate your application and, obviously, explain how application generation works in averos framework.

With Averos Framework application creation is achieved using our lowcode service called Wibuild©.

Wibuild© is an application, available for free to the whole public, either on mobile device or desktop computers, which provides a visual designer, namely averos designer, and an application management system.

đź”– Note that the designer itself is available anonymously.
However, submitting a request of a new application generation is available only for authenticated users.
So please go ahead and create an account at Wibuild© in order to be able to generate and download your application.

I- WiBuild© Application

Wibuild© is a free lowcode platform available in the cloud for everyone.
Wibuild© is composed of an application designer named averos designer and an application management system.

averos designer allows to design a full averos application using an intuitive UML-like language model.
You’ll see more on Averos Designer later on this tutorial.

The application management system, on the other hand, allows to create application generation requests, to stores application data-including, the full project data importable to averos designer, the full project command line and the generated application.

The picture below shows how a user, as a citizen developer, can leverage WiBuild application capabilities and features.

Using Averos Designer, Citizen developers can leverage the following features:

  • Create a new averos project
  • Import an existing averos project
  • Export an averos project to json format
  • Validate an averos project
  • Generate an application

On the other hand, WiBuild provides an application management system that exposes the following capabilities to citizen developer:

  • Search averos application
  • Download an averos project that could be imported in averos designer
  • Download the application generation script
  • Download the application binary file
  • Consult the WiBuild user dashboard

A typical WiBuild journey towards creating an averos application could be described by the following diagram:

So, the main steps a citizen developer should follow, in order,to generate an application using WiBuild are as follows:

  1. Sign in into your WiBuild account (or create a new one and validate it)
  2. Open Averos Designer
  3. Create a new application project or import a existing one
  4. Validate your project
  5. Submit an application generation request
  6. Go back to WiBuild main menu then search your application and check its generation status
  7. Once the application status is Ready, download your application binary files using the dedicated download button

đź”– Note that Wibuild is very responsive and mobile friendly.
It could also be installed and used on mobile devices.
Go ahead and try it!

II. Averos Designer

Averos Designer, as part or WiBuild application, is a lowcode designer for application development built arount averos framework.</br> It allows citizen developers to design an application in an UML-like style.

Averos Designer provides all user friendly features a user needs to achieve a good design.

Below are Averos Designer features:

  • supports 11 languages
  • responsive application (mobile friendly)
  • progressive web application (it could be installed on mobile devices)
  • rich panel
  • context menu
  • drag & drop
  • select components (mouse)
  • select all components (Ctrl+a)
  • select one by one (Ctrl + mouse)
  • copy / paste components using (Ctrt+c / Ctrl+v)
  • copy / paste components using context menu
  • remove components
  • scale in / scale out
  • dark/light modes
  • touch gestures support

Now, you have learnt about WiBuild application and how it is used to create web applications, let’s switch gears and start creating our ToDoApplication.

In the next sections, we are going to start designing our application using averos designer, then we are going to generate it and finally run it.
Once our appication is running we are going to walk through it and see what it looks like.

Let’s start creating interesting things ! 🚀