

Averos introduces a new way of creating applications by adopting a Design First strategy which allows users to focus in the application design over technical aspects. With the help of averos, creating the most complex use case is easier than ever.

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Open Framework

Open Framework

Averos is built on an open architecture powered by angular which allows developers to shape the framework depending on their needs. Averos does not impose any restrictions on the technical approach with which the user wishes to carry out his project.

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Fosters Creativity

Fosters Creativity

Averos supports the creativity by minimizing the reflection on the technical aspects in favor of the business aspects. This will give the design its right value and improve the quality of the application.

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User Experience Centric

User Experience Centric

Averos is designed in order to provide a wonderful digital journey by unlocking the access to user exeprience centric applications while bringing common natural and obvious end users experience to your applications providing thus a two-way communication between the user and his application.

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fully responsive

Responsive layouts

Averos user interface is built on top of the angular material library and enhanced with custom intuitive components designed in order to boost the user experience.Averos user interface inherits all the angular material characteristics as well as HTML5 and CSS properties, and is by nature fully responsive and pwa ready.

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Multi Language Support

Multi Language Support

Averos comes with 11 languages supported out of the box. Besides Averos worflow comes to help developer adding more languages without writing a single line of code, in an intuitive and easy way.

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Powered by angular

Powered by Angular

Averos is powered by the cutting edge web application development framework angular developed, maintained and backed by Google.

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